
Cute Brands, Inc. - Cute and Happy with a Cause! was Co-founded by the Lam Brothers – Liu-Yue (Louie) Lam and LJ Lam, and also Liu-Yue’s lovely wife – Claudia Lam; who is Liu-Yue’s muse for many of his creative character inventions.
The Lam Brothers are Chinese Americans that come from a long generation of entrepreneurs and inherited the entrepreneurial spirit. It was the dream of the Lam Brothers to create a family-owned business that will not only become a family legacy, but also help make the world a better place. After having served on various not-for profit boards as well as volunteering their time and expertise to many worthy causes throughout the years, in 2010 the Lam Brothers decided to venture out and make their dream a reality by creating Cute Brands in Queens, NYC.
The Lam Brothers decided that during a time of great distress and negativity in the world, it would also be the perfect time to create hope and happiness by acting on their dream to create a sustainable enterprise that can also be used as a social platform to support worthy causes. By combining their entrepreneurial spirit and their passion for doing good, the Lam Brothers hope to not only have a lot of fun bringing their creative ideas to life, but also to give back to the global community by supporting endangered animals and the environment.
They have dedicated a % of all annual profits to be donated to select charities and not-for-profit organizations (WWF, WCS, ASPCA) that help protect and preserve endangered animals and the environment. Our customers and our animal friends will always be our number one priority! The Lam Family hope that their special animal friends will help create lots of smiles, magical friendships, and Cute and Happy moments around the world.