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Count On Cute – Count Cute® the Love Vampire!

A very unusual vampire:

THE SUN: The sun can kill most vampires, because the UV rays burn up the blood and turn it into an 'acid'.
Count Cute® on the other hand due to genetic mutation is the new generation of vampires that loves: sunbathing and sitting all day long in the sun. Miami is one of his most favorite places, lots of girls… (Imagine Welcome to Miami-by Will Smith, Count Cute® style) LOL!

EYES: His eyes are green, but when he is in love tiny, little blood hearts form in his eye and the color is amplified because of the euphoria he feels.

TEETH: The fangs have slowly retracted because his diet is mostly based on tomato juice. Bloody Mary is his favorite drink, but that makes him too dizzy so he only drinks it 1 time a year.

SKIN: Pale. But glowing when in love!

RELIGIOUS ARTIFACTS: Nothing happens to him when exposed to them. He even has some accessories in his closet (bling bling) that he wears on special occasions.

STAKES: He is the type of vampire that can sustain any wound, and believe me many girls have broken his heart! So, when this happens he needs to feed until it heals over or he will be drained of energy and die. Usually he takes triple concentrated tomato juice from the supermarket for 7 days and then is fine again.

GARLIC: He is slightly repelled by garlic, especially when he goes on dates and the girl has eaten way too much garlic at the romantic dinner. Love is important for him, so he’ll kiss a girl even though it burns his lips.

SHAPE-SHIFTING: He shapes and shifts a lot to bat or mist. That’s his favorite part of being a vampire, he feels he’s the James Bond of vampires.

LEVITATION: Love makes him glow bright and float in the air!

EYESIGHT: He can see in the dark 2x better. He usually likes to admire his loved one sleeping, that’s why he turns into a bat and if the beloved wakes up he gets shy and transforms to mist.

STRENGTH, REFLEXES, SPEED: Super strong! He also moves very fast, when he’s in love 2x faster as LOVE fuels him even more.
You can never sneak up on him, but he will always sneak up on you and surprise you with flowers and candies.

SLEEP: He only needs a power nap of 1 hour and he’s ready to go. Sleep is not a necessity for him because his body never ages, doesn’t feel tiredness and weakness. Instead he prefers to write poems, play the piano and visit museum galleries using his bat-mist power.

DIET: Tomato juice is his favorite, but he likes every fruit and veggie that has red color. Red fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "lycopene" or "anthocyanins."  Vampires need these natural pigments in order to survive. Human blood is an option, but not the only one!

MOONLIGHT: The full moon is his favorite time of the month, that’s when he plays the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven and dreams of his dream girl.

LOVE: Good news!
Count Cute® is still a single vampire and he is searching for his one true love that will make him forever happy. He pledges that he will be the best boyfriend and husband. So, all you potential candidates out there have no worry you can always count on cute Count Cute®!


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