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Meet the 21st Century Modern Princess!


Princess Cherry™, our new Cute Friend launched today is the perfect role model for every little girl growing up in today’s World...

She is a little princess that lives in a giant Cherry Tree and is the princess of the Kingdom of Cherries.  She wears a princess tiara and a dress sown by fairies out of cherry petals. By day, she is a formal and proper little princess, but at night Princess Cherry™ loves to put on her pink tutu skirt and dance shoes to dance ballet in her room when no one is watching. When she dances, little pink butterflies gracefully float around her. She studied  ballet ever since she was a little cherry blossom of 2 years old and there is nothing in the World she loves to do more than dancing. She is incredibly talented too!

From small whenever she wanted to learn something new -- say, the violin or painting -- tutors of consummate skill were right at her hand. She studied many musical instruments and art, but what caught her heart was dancing because dance gives you freedom and power of expression. When she dances, she closes her eyes and for a second she is not a Princess, she is just Cherry.

At school she has the highest scores. Friends describe her as a child who loves dancing, sports and animals more than books though. Many times she has volunteered at animal shelters so she can freely play with kitties and doggies. Princess Cherry™ is very graceful, but also cheery and outgoing. Whenever occasion calls for it, she is fearless in standing up to teachers and willing to politely, but clearly speak for the class when she feels that injustice is being done.  Teachers listen to her because she is a good student, humble and big hearted.

Princess Cherry’s™ dream is to one day become a dancing queen! She cannot understand why her family is so tradition bound and doesn’t let her follow her dreams.  Princess Cherry™ loves helping others, wants to help the hungry and the poor, but also wants to fight for her own rights as a human!

From an outside view Princess Cherry’s™ World might seem perfect, very privileged, but what she really wants is to have another World at her feet – the dancing scene, a World earned by her own efforts rather than inherited – she wants to be the best ballerina in the World! She could be that and also a good princess and help her family, but such thinking is very incompatible with membership in the royal family – she has to primarily focus on her duties as a Princess and future Queen. Princess Cherry™ cannot understand why the two cannot combine… she is dreaming of independence and the power to choose for herself!

Her parents say she has a bit of a boyish side, a resilience that is not typical for a girl. We’re confident  that she will become an incredible woman because she has the appropriate aura for a great princess, she has a lot of femininity, the wisdom to adapt herself to any environment and a great power to fight without giving up.
I’m sure that Princess Cherry™ will be able to follow her dreams because she is the 21st century princess, a fighter for gender and minority equality and the pursuit of happiness!


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