Cute Brands - Cute and Happy with a Cause!
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Total images in all categories: 323
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There are 323 images in category
Earth Day celebration
Author: Cute Brands Fan Club
Hits: 906
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The first Earth Day celebration took place 48 years ago, in 1970, after a devastating oil spill in America brought environmental issues to the forefront of public consciousness. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 22 million people across the country came out in support of environmental reform.
Make the World a better place
Author: Cute Brands Fan Club
Hits: 899
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CUTE BRANDS & LOVE PANDA have a mission to make the World a better place by supporting THE CONSERVATION OF OUR PLANET - 1 WORLD, 1 HOME and by being SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE & CHARITABLE, making donations to charities and not-for-profit organizations that help protect and preserve endangered animals and the environment.
Clever wild minds
Author: Cute Brands Fan Club
Hits: 899
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Spring is a good time for babies to be born because the days become longer and temperatures rise. Because spring is such a good time of year for babies, many animals evolved to accommodate these natural cycles. Isn't this natural mechanism so clever? Wild minds are much like ours able to recognize self, plan, communicate and solve problems.
In space metal sticks together
Author: Cute Brands Fan Club
Hits: 942
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Did you know? In space metal sticks together? In a vacuum like space, when two pieces of metal touch each other they bond together. This is a process called cold welding. On the Earth because of the oxygen in our environment this does not happen naturally but it is used during some manufacturing processes. It is something to take into account but it is not usually a problem as the astronaut’s tools maintain an oxide layer even when leaving Earth.
Venus is the hottest planet
Author: Cute Brands Fan Club
Hits: 897
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Did you know? The hottest planet is not the closest planet to the Sun? Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it is not actually the hottest. Mercury does not have any atmosphere meaning that this planet is only hot in the daytime when it is directly facing the Sun. At this stage temperatures can rise to 425°C but at night the planet’s temperature can drop down to a freezing -180°C. Venus is the hottest planet. Its thick clouds trap the Sun’s heat causing Venus to be a sizzling 500°C all of the time!
There are 323 images in category