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Be a Top Dog™ Without Bullying!

Did you know 1 out of every 10 students are being bullied? Meanness comes in many forms, and you can stop them all. Bullies have learned how to be one by being bullied themselves… but this is no escuse! Top Dog™ is the perfect example of what bullying does to animals/people and how you can overcome it.

Bullying definition: Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior or, quite simply, unprovoked meanness done by someone with a severe inferiority complex to feel bigger than they are (they need help!). Bullying can start at an early age and grow more intense in the teen years. It's a form of intimidation, which is behavior designed to threaten, frighten, or coerce someone. Top Dog™ has experienced a lot of intimidation and bullying when he was forced into illegal dog fights.

Bullies don't just bully people - they bully animals too! What kind of person hurts an animal on purpose just to show how 'powerful' he is or inadequate uses an animal for entertainment? A desperately sad person! And who is impressed by someone hurting a dog, kitten or a mouse? No one with an ounce of intelligence or a smidgen of compassion.

As a result of all the bullying and fighting he’s been forced to do, Top Dog™ ended up with an ugly scar on his left eye. That scar will always be a reminder of his past life! He is a role model though and I’m going to tell you why.

Nowadays when teens intimidate each other, they may attack with bats, knives, guns, or other weapons and can cause permanent scars or even death. This is really scary! The psychological stakes are high too... the emotional scars a bullied child acquires will follow him all his life. Top Dog™ was strong enough to survive all this. All the physical assaults he suffered made his brain evolve and now he can speak the human language. In fact he can speak all the human languages in the World. He is one of a kind, he didn’t let anyone damage him! Top Dog™  is still a cute and happy dog that wants to have his message heard! He rised to the top through peace… that’s why his name is Top Dog™. He truly believes that as Ronald Reagan said: “Peace is more than just the absence of war. True peace is justice, true peace is freedom. And true peace dictates the recognition of human rights.” and a tiny correction here ANIMAL RIGHTS too! We shouldn't forget about the poor animals who cannot defend themselves.

Top Dog™ has done extensive research and he concluded that even nonhuman primates use bullying: for examples many monkey and ape groups work because the members sort themselves out by rank. Male chimpanzees, know exactly who's a leader and who's a follower. Female macaque monkeys also know their place and they line up accordingly at food resources.
But a social hierarchy is not as stable as it sounds. Everyone wants to be high ranking and the animals are always jockeying for position. Bullying in humans might be one part of the same sort of social dance. Is there no difference between animals and humans? If bullying is part of human nature, it's certainly not a good part!

In humans intimidation peaks in junior high. It continues through high school and even into the workplace. Intimidation is not just 'boys being boys.' Studies show that girls intimidate other students at least as much as boys. Boys use more physical force. Girls rely more on teasing, taunting, or excluding others from groups.

Intimidation occurs for different reasons. Hate, prejudice, immaturity, a distorted self-image, or lack of respect can underlie harassing behavior. Some teens pick on others simply to increase their own sense of power.
In any case, bullying is caused by bullies, not their victims. No one deserves to be intimidated! One thing I would like to make clear - being a mean person doesn't make you superior, if anything it downgrades your humanity!

Even if you're not the immediate target of a bully, intimidation cheapens the quality of life in your school and community. Don't let harassers have their way! Adult interventions doesn’t mean you’re a weak individual, it means you address the problem the right way. If you let a bully intimidate you once, he’s gonna come for more... Don’t allow it! Two things a bully is really frightened of: someone stronger than them and someone who won't be bullied. That's why you should always tell an adult, ignore them, avoid being near them, don't fight back because you will just make it worse. Only do it if you have been trained in martial arts! P.S.: parents should consider enrolling their kids in a self defense class. It will boost their morale and might help when you least expect!

Top Dog™ believes that first thing first you have to speak up - use the power of your tongue. Your tongue can cut as deep as a sword. Don't feel you have to suffer in silence! Don't be afraid to get bullying help when necessary! By helping to stop the violence at an early stage you could be saving human lives as well as animals.

"Toughness is not being a bully. It's having backbone." - Robert Kiyosaki


Cutesy Bunny™ - The Secret to Magic!

Magic Hat And Wand Clip Art


MAGIC... “What you put in” is perhaps one of the core principles of all magic! The term sorcery, literally means putting in and taking out. There is a lot to consider with that, and dark sorcery involved a lot of putting in of negative spiritual influences. Cutesy Bunny™ is all about putting positive vibes, therefore she is so popular for her cooking that even the lions and panthers are her friends.

Our Cute Friend - Cutesy Bunny™ is like a magician when it comes to preparing food. She likes going out into her little garden, then coming back, joyfully hopping with a handful or two of ingredients, pulling something out of her pink refrigerator and combining all this stuff — as unrelated as it may seem — in a way that makes your taste buds dance. Isn't that magical or what?

Cutesy Bunny™ makes the best smoothies using magic foods like strawberry, banana, pineapple, mango, etc. Aw wait she does vegetable smoothies too! Her favorite nutritious and healthy meal is the green smoothie made with yogurt plus kale or chard. This is her secret potion she drinks everyday along with eating carrots, sprouts, parsley, watercress, wheatgrass and so much more...

A secret and unusual healthy recipe to share with you is the watermelon smoothie. Hmm can you really use a fruit as watery and mild-flavored as watermelon? Yes, Cutesy Bunny™ uses it as the base for a blender concoction: she combines the melon with yogurt (plain) and adds a splash of lime juice. After that she continues to play with the mix, experimenting with things like cucumber, mint and "lavender water" that she made by steeping fragrant lavender blossoms in water for several days. AMAZING! You should definitely try it out my friend - is pure magic for your belly!

Okay now, maybe not everyone can have the time and patience to do such things, but one thing is for sure... we can all do 'simple and real magic'. Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? Cutesy Bunny™ believes that the simplest magical ritual you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. So her healthy tip for kids and teenagers goes like this: If you want to be attractive, cute and happy, but most important healthy Cutesy Bunny™'s advice is to eat a lot of fresh produce. Bunnies need to eat almost constantly while they are awake, we should be like that too only we should fuel up with the good stuff. Staying healthy goes hand in hand with a healthy balanced diet. Wink!

Fruits and Vegetables are Nature's Magic!

Follow these simple 3 healthy tips to get the most benefit from fruits and veggies, stay strong and magical:

·  Cutesy Bunny™ advises not to reach for the latest magic supplement pill or powder. Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber - which protect against diseases. Fruits and vegetables add flavor without adding lots of calories. They help you keep fit naturally! Choose fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors. Each color does something special to help our bodies... so eat a variety!

·  Make at least half your plate fruits and veggies. Don't be shy and fill-up on low calorie goodness!

·  Eat fruits and vegetables as snacks and with meals. Fruits and vegetables are great any time!

Cutesy Bunny™'s cooked dishes are just as adventurous and spontaneous as what she blends up for breakfast. For more health recipes and secrets from Cutesy Bunny™ please stay tuned with our blog posts.

If you eat well and have a healthy approach on life you're gonna hop like Cutesy Bunny™' in no time!


Hi Butterfly® - Little Butterfly in the Sky!


Love Panda® - Cute and Happy Love!

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