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10 Tips from Dragon Rockstar on How to Karaoke the Right Way!

When karaoke became popular in Japan back in the 1970s, no one ever imagined it would become a worldwide sensation. The amateur sing-a-long has since given birth to video games such as Guitar Hero, High School Musical: Sing It and a slew of other karaoke-themed activities.

As with any other form of popular entertainment, there is a right and wrong way to do things. Here are 10 useful etiquette singing tips Dragon Rockstarencourages you to remember when you karaoke at your favorite karaoke club:

  • 1. Do not tap, drop or swing the microphone. The crowd will surely love you and the DJ will love you even more for not abusing his or her equipment. You got to karaoke the right way!
  • 2. Please do not be rude and heckle other performers. Not everyone can be Michael Buble or Celine Dion. Besides, karaoke is all about having fun, not how much talent you have... All karaoke singers should be applauded!
  • 3. Never, ever point the microphone toward the speaker. Feedback is never good -- unless it is constructive advice from a boss, friend or family member.
  • 4. Sing with the microphone at least five to six inches away from your mouth or you will end up sounding like Darth Vader.
  • 5. In case you forgot I remember you again. You got to have fun! Be sure to clap for other performers. And never make fun at anyone's expense.
  • 6. Wait your turn. Folks just like you are waiting, and it's rude to sing out of turn. Best karaoke is when everyone is enjoying it!
  • 7. Never get mad if someone sings your all time favorite song. Either sing it again or choose another one. There are literally hundreds of songs for you to choose from.
  • 8. Never go on stage and start singing without being invited.
  • 9. Try not to kill the vibe with a ballad once everyone is up and moving after singing a slew of dance tracks.
  • 10. And finally, never nag or yell at the DJ. The more aggressive you become, the less likely it is that your song will play.
  • As always Dragon Rockstaradvises you to: "HAVE FUN! DON'T FIGHT! JUST SING!" and like that you'll surely have a memorable night!



    Get Cute4School - 20% OFF!

    Dear Cute Friends,

    We know school is starting again soon and you want to look your best! Great news: We're offering a 20% OFF back to school special promotion from August 17 to October 17. Dress to impress with cuteness from Cute Brands! All our back to school outfits are unique, cute clothing your kid will feel comfortable in. You get 20% OFF on your back to school shopping using this coupon code: Cute4School



    Let Buddha Monkey™ Help Tame the Monkey in Your Mind!

    Check out our new Cute Friend: Buddha Monkey™, the Happy Healer. Buddha Monkey™ is a Buddhist Monk who surpassed his monkey nature and became enlightened. He is the master of the Cute and Happy Philosophy and he seeks to teach others about the healing power of happiness and finding inner peace. Here is his message to you:

    What is the one of the biggest obstacles that you can face in achieving personal mastery?
    Your mind, your thoughts. Master them, and you master yourself. Then there is little you cannot do over time. Happiness, character, external success – they all begin in the mind. As the famous saying goes – “As within, so without.”

    The moment we begin paying attention to our thoughts we discover how unruly they are. We don’t really beat our heart, it beats itself. Neither do we control our thinking – we are being thought. Estimates place the number of thoughts we have each day at 40 to 60 thousand, and we don’t have more than the most basic control over them. Increasing this control – mental labour – is often said to be the hardest work of all. The good news is; even the slightest increase is well worth it.

    Monkey mind refers to the incessant chatter that goes on in our heads from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, or worry over the future. Like a monkey jumping from branch to branch, the mind is always on the move. It is estimated that our brains are bombarded with seven times as much stimuli as our grandparents experienced. Add to this the longer working hours, the traffic jams and the rising stress levels and it is amazing we cope at all.

    Have you ever wondered why children experience so much joy? Being free of mental chatter, they are absolutely present in the Here and Now. Monkey mind hasn't developed yet. There is a chinese saying that says "When the eye is unblocked, sight occurs." The nature of the eye is to see. In the same way, in the absence of thinking, joy is there because it is who we really are. Happiness never goes anywhere. We are simply unaware of the happiness which is always there because we are constantly distracted by our monkey mind. We can only notice the wonder and the beauty that surrounds us when we are present.

    So how do we tame the monkey mind?
    The good news is that, no matter how busy the mind is and how distant the prospect of finding inner peace seems, it is always there, right under your nose. Finding happiness and peace is an uncovering process. When we strip away that which is covering it up, we discover it has been there all along. As long as we fight against the monkey mind we give it more energy and make it stronger. As long as we try to beat our thoughts away with sticks we make them bigger. By putting all of our attention on our thoughts and trying to fix them or change them, we achieve the opposite.

    One way to tame this wild creature in your head is through meditation – although the paradox is that when you clear your mind for meditation you actually invite the monkey in your mind to play. This is when you are given the opportunity to tame this mental beast by moving beyond thought – to become aware of a thought rather than thinking a thought. The difference is subtle, but significant. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can let your thoughts rise and float away without letting them pull you in different directions. Being able to concentrate is one of the tools that allows you to slow down your thought process and focus on observing your thoughts.

    To develop your concentration, you may want to start by focusing on the breath while you meditate. Whenever your monkey mind starts acting up, observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath. Some breathing meditations call on you to focus on the rise and fall of the breath through the abdomen, while others have you concentrate on the sound of the breath. Fire can also be mesmerizing, and focusing on a candle flame is another useful tool for harnessing the mind. Keep the gaze soft and unfocused while observing the color, shape, and movement of the flame, and try not to blink. Close your eyes when you feel the need and continue watching the flame in your head. However you choose to tame the monkey mind, do so with firm kindness. The next time the chattering arises, notice it and then allow it to go away. With practice and meditation, your monkey mind will become quiet and so will you!


    Cute Animals - Why Can't We Be Friends?

    Good question: Why can't we all just be friends? Love, peace and mutual understanding is what we need to make a better World!!

    True friendship is as rare as a diamond, but exists. Animals always seem to know this lesson better than us... Is it because they don't lose their innocence easily or they don't over think things as much as we do? No matter the answer, enjoy the video filled with cute animal pictures to see real cute friends. Maybe we can all get inspired to be like that too!!


    Count On Cute – Count Cute® the Love Vampire!

    A very unusual vampire:

    THE SUN: The sun can kill most vampires, because the UV rays burn up the blood and turn it into an 'acid'.
    Count Cute® on the other hand due to genetic mutation is the new generation of vampires that loves: sunbathing and sitting all day long in the sun. Miami is one of his most favorite places, lots of girls… (Imagine Welcome to Miami-by Will Smith, Count Cute® style) LOL!

    EYES: His eyes are green, but when he is in love tiny, little blood hearts form in his eye and the color is amplified because of the euphoria he feels.

    TEETH: The fangs have slowly retracted because his diet is mostly based on tomato juice. Bloody Mary is his favorite drink, but that makes him too dizzy so he only drinks it 1 time a year.

    SKIN: Pale. But glowing when in love!

    RELIGIOUS ARTIFACTS: Nothing happens to him when exposed to them. He even has some accessories in his closet (bling bling) that he wears on special occasions.

    STAKES: He is the type of vampire that can sustain any wound, and believe me many girls have broken his heart! So, when this happens he needs to feed until it heals over or he will be drained of energy and die. Usually he takes triple concentrated tomato juice from the supermarket for 7 days and then is fine again.

    GARLIC: He is slightly repelled by garlic, especially when he goes on dates and the girl has eaten way too much garlic at the romantic dinner. Love is important for him, so he’ll kiss a girl even though it burns his lips.

    SHAPE-SHIFTING: He shapes and shifts a lot to bat or mist. That’s his favorite part of being a vampire, he feels he’s the James Bond of vampires.

    LEVITATION: Love makes him glow bright and float in the air!

    EYESIGHT: He can see in the dark 2x better. He usually likes to admire his loved one sleeping, that’s why he turns into a bat and if the beloved wakes up he gets shy and transforms to mist.

    STRENGTH, REFLEXES, SPEED: Super strong! He also moves very fast, when he’s in love 2x faster as LOVE fuels him even more.
    You can never sneak up on him, but he will always sneak up on you and surprise you with flowers and candies.

    SLEEP: He only needs a power nap of 1 hour and he’s ready to go. Sleep is not a necessity for him because his body never ages, doesn’t feel tiredness and weakness. Instead he prefers to write poems, play the piano and visit museum galleries using his bat-mist power.

    DIET: Tomato juice is his favorite, but he likes every fruit and veggie that has red color. Red fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "lycopene" or "anthocyanins."  Vampires need these natural pigments in order to survive. Human blood is an option, but not the only one!

    MOONLIGHT: The full moon is his favorite time of the month, that’s when he plays the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven and dreams of his dream girl.

    LOVE: Good news!
    Count Cute® is still a single vampire and he is searching for his one true love that will make him forever happy. He pledges that he will be the best boyfriend and husband. So, all you potential candidates out there have no worry you can always count on cute Count Cute®!

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